Dental Implant Benefits

Dental implants are the most beneficial tooth-replacement option. Furthermore, you are guaranteed a quality dental implants experience from Dr. Bullock’s office. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with Dr. LaDerrick Bullock.

What is all the fuss about dental implants?

  • Dental implants remain sturdily in place and stay there for a lifetime!
  • Dental implants look natural and blend nicely with your smile.
  • Dental implants have a high satisfaction rate among patients.
  • Dental implants fill gaps in your mouth, thus, improving your bite strength.
  • After the healing period, dental implants feel like natural teeth.
  • Dental implants do not have to be taken out to be cleaned. They stay in your mouth at all times.
  • Dental implants just require a typical oral hygiene routine of brushing, flossing and mouthwash.

Dental implants are considered by dentists to be a big advancement from dentures. Read below to find out why dentists prefer dental implants over dentures:

Dental Implants vs. Dentures

Patients choose dental implants over dentures because they favor convenience. Some of the reasons patients are leaving their dentures behind: dentures are a temporary fix, sometimes fall out, must be removed for cleaning, and sometimes feel awkward in the mouth because they stay in place with adhesives alone. Reasons why patients are making the switch to dental implants: they are a more permanent solution, can last a lifetime with the proper oral hygiene, and look and feel like your real teeth. Are you going to make the switch?

Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

When you come to our office for a free consultation, Dr. Bullock will decide if you are a good candidate for dental implants and give you a personal treatment plan. Our practice serves patients in the Marlton and Eavesham Township areas. Contact us today!